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Cinnamon Saigon Chips

Cinnamon Saigon Chips

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Ingredients: Saigon/Vietnamese Cassia Cinnamon (Whole)

Taste & Aroma: Bold, spicy, sweet, and richly aromatic — Saigon Cinnamon is the most intense of the cinnamon varieties, delivering a warm kick and deep flavor.


Add to mulling spices for cider or wine

Use whole in tea, coffee, or simmer pots for warm, inviting aroma

Drop into broth for Pho or Asian soups to deepen flavor

Great for infusing stews, curries, or rice dishes

Add to poaching liquids for fruit or hot chocolate for a spiced twist

A favorite in holiday baking like cookies, cakes, and pies

Tip: Break a stick and grind fresh when a punch of cinnamon flavor is needed — a little goes a long way!